Tag Archives: Paris Orthopedics

5 Basics of ACL Health and Injury

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the four major ligaments in the knee joint. It is crucial in providing stability and preventing excessive forward movement of the tibia (shinbone) relative to the femur (thighbone). ACL health and injuries are common, especially in sports involving sudden stops, direction changes, or jumping. 

Understanding the basics of ACL health and injury can help individuals recognize the importance of prevention and seek appropriate treatment. At Paris Orthopedics, we aim to give you the information you need to stay healthy and avoid injury. 

Basics of ACL Health and Injury

What Is The ACL?

The ACL is a strong band of connective tissue deep within the knee joint. It connects the femur to the tibia and works with other ligaments, muscles, and tendons to maintain stability during various movements. The ligament consists of two bundles that work together to control the rotational and forward movement of the knee.

How Do ACL Injuries Occur?

ACL injuries typically occur due to sudden, forceful movements or impacts that place excessive stress on the ligament. Common mechanisms of injury include sudden stops or pivots, abrupt changes in direction, landing awkwardly from a jump, or direct blows to the knee. Female athletes, especially those participating in sports like soccer, basketball, and gymnastics, have a higher risk of ACL injury than males.

When an ACL injury occurs, individuals may experience a popping sound or sensation in the knee, followed by immediate pain, swelling, and instability. The knee may feel weak and give way during movement, making it difficult to bear weight or participate in physical activities. In some cases, associated injuries, such as damage to the meniscus or other ligaments, may also occur.

What Does Treatment Look Like?

Diagnosing an ACL injury involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests. The healthcare provider will assess the knee joint’s range of motion, stability, and overall function. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be recommended to evaluate the extent of the injury and rule out other knee conditions.

Treatment options for ACL injuries depend on various factors, including the severity of the injury, the individual’s activity level, and the presence of associated injuries. Non-surgical treatment may suit individuals with partial tears or those without high-demand activities. It typically involves physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, bracing to provide stability, and activity modification.

Surgical intervention may be recommended for individuals with complete tears or those wanting to return to high-demand sports or activities. ACL reconstruction surgery involves replacing the torn ligament with a graft, typically harvested from the individual’s hamstring or patellar tendon, or using donor tissue. The surgery aims to restore knee stability and allow individuals to return to their pre-injury level of activity with proper rehabilitation.

What Does Recovery Look Like?

Recovery from an ACL injury requires a comprehensive rehabilitation program. Physical therapy is vital in restoring strength, range of motion, and stability to the knee joint. The rehabilitation process typically includes exercises to improve flexibility, balance, proprioception, and gradual return to sports-specific activities.

How Can You Prevent These Injuries?

Preventing ACL injuries is crucial, particularly for individuals engaged in high-risk sports. Strategies for prevention include regular conditioning and strengthening exercises to improve lower limb strength and control, proper technique training for jumping and landing, and wearing appropriate protective gear. Additionally, maintaining good overall physical fitness, warming up adequately before activities, and avoiding overuse and fatigue can help reduce the risk of ACL injuries.

Learn More With Paris Orthopedics 

The ACL is a critical ligament in the knee joint, providing stability and preventing excessive forward movement. ACL injuries are common, particularly in sports involving sudden stops, changes in direction, or jumping. Understanding the basics of ACL health and injury empowers individuals to recognize the signs, seek appropriate treatment, and take preventive measures.

Are you interested in learning more about ACL health? Our team at Paris Orthopedics has an array of resources and information for you to use. Find out more by visiting our website or giving us a call at (903) 737-0000. 

The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Orthopedic Health

When we think about orthopedic health, our minds typically go to movement and exercise. However, proper nutrition plays just as significant a role as everything else. If your diet is not meeting your body’s nutritional needs, it will wreak havoc on your energy levels. When your internal health is not at its peak, there is no surprise that your external health is not 100% either. 

At Paris Orthopedics, we help you optimize your orthopedic health. However, a large part of that is ensuring that your proper nutrition is also where it needs to be. 

Proper Nutrition And Your Orthopedic Health 

Calcium for Strong Bones

Calcium is fundamental for building and maintaining strong bones. Adequate calcium intake helps prevent osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones and an increased risk of fractures. Good sources of calcium include dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), leafy green vegetables (kale, broccoli), and fortified plant-based milk alternatives. Aim for 1000-1300 mg of calcium daily, depending on age and gender.

Vitamin D for Calcium Absorption

Vitamin D works in conjunction with calcium to promote bone health. It facilitates calcium absorption from the digestive tract into the bloodstream, ensuring its availability for bone formation. Natural sources of vitamin D include sunlight exposure, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), egg yolks, and fortified dairy products. In cases where vitamin D deficiency is present, supplements may be recommended.

Protein for Muscle Health

Protein is essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of muscles and connective tissues. It provides the building blocks necessary for producing collagen, a protein that forms the structural framework of tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Include lean protein sources such as poultry, fish, lean meats, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Aim for a balanced protein intake throughout the day to support muscle health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit orthopedic health, especially for conditions like arthritis. These healthy fats help reduce joint inflammation and alleviate pain and stiffness. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish (salmon, sardines), flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybeans. If it is challenging to incorporate these foods into your diet, consider omega-3 supplements after consulting with a healthcare professional.

Antioxidants for Joint Health

Antioxidants are crucial in protecting joint health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Colorful fruits and vegetables, mainly those rich in vitamins C and E, are excellent sources of antioxidants. Include berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy greens, and bell peppers in your diet. Additionally, spices like turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties and can benefit joint health.

Micronutrients for Connective Tissues

Several micronutrients contribute to the health of connective tissues, including tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, while zinc and manganese support collagen production and help maintain connective tissue integrity. Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and seafood are good dietary sources of these micronutrients.

Hydration for Joint Lubrication

Adequate hydration is vital for maintaining healthy joints. Water helps lubricate the joints, allowing for smooth movement and reducing friction. It also aids in the transport of nutrients and the removal of waste products from the joints. Consistently drink sufficient water throughout the day, and consider consuming hydrating foods such as watermelon, cucumbers, and leafy greens.

Whether you are looking for new recipes to keep on the health track or haven’t quite discovered proper nutrition, we are here to help. Don’t let your orthopedic health suffer at the hands of your diet. Are you interested in learning more about how other health factors affect your orthopedic health? Our team is equipped to supply you with information and resources that give you a bigger picture. Check out our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000 for more information.

5 Non-Surgical Treatment Methods For Sports Medicine

In the world of sports, injuries are inevitable. While some instances are bad enough to require surgery, this is not always true. Even as orthopedic surgeons, we always consider non-surgical treatment methods before moving toward an invasive procedure. 

Sometimes, people are only aware of surgical treatment methods and do not know as much about these other ways. However, today our Paris Orthopedics team is sharing the many ways you can treat sports injuries without going under the knife. 

Non-Surgical Treatment Methods 


Bracing is the first non-surgical treatment method we will discuss today. The brace acts as a way to take the weight off of an injured area by restricting movement and relieving pressure. This promotes healing over time. This is commonly seen in injuries that affect the spine, knee, ankle, and elbow. 

Braces are often seen in sports as a treatment method while also acting as a way to injure oneself further. It is essential to listen to your orthopedic doctor’s recommendations on using the brace and follow the guidelines appropriately. 

Short-Term Medications

Sometimes, short-term medications can give you the pain relief necessary to treat your condition. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are useful. These provide relaxation for a patient by reducing inflammation, pain, and even fevers. However, they do not cure the condition that is bringing on the pain. They do provide relief while you are trying to figure out what else to do for the condition. 

Cortisone Injections

Cortisone injections are used to relieve pain and inflammation in the injured area of your body. This is most commonly seen in joints like the ankle, elbow, hip, knee, shoulder, spine, or wrist. While it can sometimes take a week to feel the relief of the cortisone shot, the effects can last months after the procedure takes place. 

These corticosteroids mimic the hormone cortisol your adrenal glands produce naturally. While these are sometimes shortened to be referred to as steroids, they do not have the same negative connotation that other types of steroids do for impacting an athlete’s performance at their sport.   

Physical Therapy

We are also huge fans of physical therapy as a non-surgical treatment method for athletes. Physical therapy can help the patient regain mobility and recover faster through movement. Oftentimes, your orthopedic doctor can refer you to a physical therapist they work with to find the ideal option for your scenario. 

Depending on the initial problem, the length of services and exercises one must do will vary. For example, someone with a leg injury will not do the same process as those with an injury in their arms. 

Viscosupplementation Injections 

These injections are typically seen as a treatment method for knee arthritis. However, this is often the last option after your doctor has tried other non-surgical methods. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the knee joint. This is a naturally occurring substance found in the liquid surrounding the joints.

People with arthritis in their knees tend to have less hyaluronic acid in their bodies already. Hence, the injections add to the present amount to facilitate more effortless movement for the joint. The amount of shots necessary depends on the person and situation. It requires avoiding strenuous activities 24 to 48 hours after the injection. 

Your sports’ related injury may not require surgery! By learning about other non-surgical methods of treatment, you can go into your appointment feeling confident. Finally, are you interested in seeking out one of these options for your injury? Schedule an appointment with our team today. Find out more through our website or by giving us a call at (903) 737-0000.

5 Of The Most Common Orthopedic Surgeries

Did you experience a slip or fall that has left you with a painful injury? Unintentional injuries account for 24.2 million emergency department visits each year. These include injuries ranging from strains, sprains, and dislocations to concussions and fractures, most of which affect the musculoskeletal system creating the most common orthopedic surgeries.

The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, joints, and bursae–the lubricated cushions between a bone and the surrounding soft tissue. 

When possible, non-surgical treatment methods are always preferred. However, in many cases, surgery is necessary to correct these orthopedic injuries. If you encounter an orthopedic injury that requires surgery, work with a team you can trust. Paris Orthopedics is here to help by starting with sharing the most common orthopedic surgeries with you. 

Partial Shoulder Replacement 

Shoulder replacement surgeries are significantly less common than knee or hip replacements. While they may be performed to treat an injury such as a severely torn rotator cuff, shoulder replacement surgeries are often used to relieve painful conditions such as osteoarthritis. A partial shoulder replacement, or hemiarthroplasty, is a procedure during which the head of the humerus bone (long bone in the upper arm) is replaced with a prosthetic ball, but the natural socket is left intact.

Total Shoulder Replacement 

In cases where the shoulder socket is affected, a total shoulder replacement is necessary. There are two different methods–traditional arthroplasty and reverse arthroplasty. In a traditional shoulder replacement surgery, the original ball-and-socket surfaces of the shoulder are replaced with similarly shaped prosthetics. During a reverse, the positions of the shoulder joint’s ball and socket are switched–the ball at the top of the upper arm bone (humerus) is replaced with a socket-shaped prosthetic, and the socket is replaced with a prosthetic ball.

Partial Hip Replacement 

Partial hip replacement surgery is often performed to repair certain hip fractures. Like the shoulder, the hip comprises a ball and socket joint. With a partial replacement, the femoral head (or ball) is removed and replaced with either a ceramic or metal ball attached to a metal stem. The stem called a hip implant, is set into the femur. The socket is left intact.

Total Hip Replacement 

The hip is one of the body’s largest joints, and hip replacement surgery is considered one of the most successful surgical procedures in all medicine. A total hip replacement includes replacing the femoral head (ball) and neck and removing any damaged cartilage in the pelvis. Three bearing surfaces are available for total hip replacements: a metal ball on the plastic liner, ceramic on ceramic, and metal on metal. Metal on highly cross-linked polyethylene (plastic) is the most recommended for durability. Around 98% of this type of replacement last around 20 years in young, active patients.

Total Knee Replacement 

Knee pain is among the most common causes of chronic pain in the United States. Joint replacement surgery is often recommended for those unable to perform everyday tasks, such as sleeping, without difficulty and pain. It may also be used to correct a knee deformity.

The procedure name, total knee replacement, can be misleading. Many people may not realize that the bones themselves are not actually replaced but instead their surfaces in these surgeries. The bones (tibia and femur) are prepared by removing damaged cartilage from their surfaces and a small amount of underlying bone. Metal implants are then used to recreate the surface. The patella (kneecap) is also resurfaced before a medical-grade spacer is inserted between the metal components. This space creates a smooth gliding surface to restore joint function.

Contact Paris Orthopedics

Have you experienced an injury that can’t be healed without surgery? It may be time to find an orthopedic surgeon you can trust. Paris Orthopedic and Sports Medicine’s board-certified physicians offer patients comprehensive orthopedic and musculoskeletal services. Our services include surgical and non-surgical treatments for sports injuries and a broad range of bone, muscle, and joint problems. For more information, visit our website to schedule an appointment or give us a call at (903) 737-0000.

Comparing Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise

What is your favorite way to move your body? Maybe you love going on a run or spending the evening in a hot yoga studio. One of the best parts about exercise is how much variety there is. With this many options, there can be a lot of information to understand about each. One factor is to know whether the movement is aerobic or anaerobic exercise. This can help you complete and recover from the movement successfully. 

At Paris Orthopedics, we are accustomed to seeing how mistakes with movement can lead to injury. By taking the time to learn more about exercise, you can avoid being the newest patient to come in with an injury. Knowing the details of aerobic and anaerobic exercises can make your workout plan even more substantial. We would love to give you further information and resources! 

Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise 

What Is Aerobic Exercise?  

Aerobic exercise is characterized by your muscles moving in a rhythmic and coordinated manner that produces an endurance-type movement. The name comes from the fact that oxygen is required to generate energy. There is an increase in a person’s heart rate and breathing that leads to more oxygen being brought to the muscles. The duration of these exercises tends to be longer. 

Examples of this type of exercise include running, biking, spinning, and even swimming. As you can see, there is a similarity in how these exercises can quickly pick up your heart rate and even leave you out of breath. 

What Is Anaerobic Exercise?  

Anaerobic exercises are more focused on short, intense bursts of physical movement. These movements are different from aerobic exercises as they do not require the same significant presence of oxygen. This is when there is a breakdown of glucose stores and a build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. These are shorter bursts of energy that occur more quickly. This is for people trying to build muscle mass and strength over time. 

Examples of this type of exercise are sprints, HIIT workouts, and weightlifting. These are done in smaller increments, but they build up that lactic acid in a way that still gives your body a very effective workout. A critical aspect of these types of workouts is ensuring you are doing them in the correct form. If you do these exercises with incorrect form, it may lead to an injury. 

How Are The Two Similar?

There are many differences between these two, but there are also similarities to consider. Both of these are beneficial for your cardiovascular system. They can each increase your metabolism and strengthen the heart muscle while also contributing to weight management. While helping with heart health, they can also contribute to preventing other conditions, such as diabetes and even certain types of cancer. 

The two of these are also great contributors to your mental health. When you are able to get your body moving, it can be stress relief while also giving your brain a break from the normal actions of the day. It is a great way to cope with stress from your day. 

Aerobic and anaerobic exercises can both play a significant role in your health and fitness. They are beneficial in their own unique ways. By understanding the two together and separately, you can create a plan that meets all of your goals. Do you have questions about either of these categories of exercise? Contact our team at Paris Orthopedics to find out more information and get started today. You can give us a call at (903) 737-0000 or check out our website for more information. 

8 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries

Looking for new ways to get outside this year? Running can feel hard on the body, but for many, the physical and mental health benefits far outweigh the potential risks. From shin splints and stress fractures to hamstring issues and Achilles tendonitis, there are numerous ways to encounter a problem, either during or after your run. However, our Paris Orthopedics team has devised a list of eight ways to prevent running injuries, keeping you active and exploring. 

Invest In The Right Shoes

Don’t let sticker shock deter you from investing in proper footwear. It’s best to visit a specialty running store to help you achieve the best fit for your body and needs. You should have a little wiggle room around the toes while your foot fits snugly in the heel. It’s also equally important to maintain your running shoes. Avid runners should replace their shoes every six months or every 400-600 miles.

Find The Right Path

High-quality, properly fitting running shoes will only get you so far. If possible, avoid running on concrete. Instead, opt for surfaces that absorb the shock rather than passing it along to your legs. Even asphalt is a better alternative if you can’t find grass, dirt trails, or a rubberized running track. But remember that a sudden change in the running surface can also cause injury, so transition over time versus all at once.

Spend Time Stretching

This may be obvious, but hands down, one of the best ways to prevent any bodily injury is to keep it loose and limber. The more flexible you are, the better your range of motion and the less likely you are to get injured. Stretch both before and after your run. You may also consider taking up yoga on days you don’t run to improve your flexibility and balance further.

Consider Strength Training 

Maybe you’re a runner because you don’t like traditional gym workouts, but the more powerful your muscles are, the better they can support your joints. Added benefits of strength training include improved muscle tone, endurance, and bone density. If the gym isn’t your thing, you can lift weights at home or use everyday household objects to help you build muscle.

Be Patient

If your goal is to run a 10K, but the furthest you’ve run is around the block, don’t expect to run six miles out of the gate. There’s no harm in taking it slow, especially when you’re starting. Starting with shorter runs and gradually increasing your distance over several weeks is the best way to prevent running injuries.

Check Your Posture

When you’re running, it’s easy to think about your legs and feet. But it’s also essential to pay close attention to your upper body. Get in the habit of checking your posture daily throughout your run. Are you staying upright with your shoulders back and relaxed? If not, raise your shoulders to your ears, then drop them down to a relaxed position. This can help you avoid lower back, neck, and shoulder pain and improve your breathing.

Keep Your Head Up

Maintaining your form is critical to preventing running injuries, including head positioning. Too far forward and you’ll experience neck and back pain; too far back and you may strain your neck muscles. Keep your head in line with your shoulders and hips. This is one of those running injuries that people tend to forget about in the process. 

Take Time To Rest

If you aren’t feeling 100%, consider skipping your run. Sure there are some days when you’ll have to talk yourself into getting out of bed for your morning run when the temperatures cool down, or maybe you stayed out too late the night before. But we’re talking about listening to your body when telling you it needs a break. Taking time off each week can help you avoid the most common running injuries and prevent fatigue when you push your body too hard or too fast.


Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential, but with it also comes the risk of suffering from a condition resulting from injury, disease, or the normal process of aging, disuse, or overuse.

Despite all of your best efforts to avoid them, the bottom line is that injuries can still happen–especially with the overuse and repetitive motion that occurs with frequent running. 

Schedule an appointment with Paris Orthopedics today if you are experiencing chronic pain or have injured yourself while running. Our team of experts specializes in diagnosing and treating running injuries and conditions, including knee ligament and tendon tears, ACL injuries, tendonitis, meniscus injuries, and more.

3 Ways To Make Your WFH Space Orthopedic Health Approved

Many of us find ourselves with the opportunity to be in our WFH space more than ever before. Since the presence of the pandemic, companies have given people the freedom to choose or not decide to reopen their offices. This is considered a great change for many in the workforce and can contribute to better orthopedic health if handled correctly. 

Making A WFH Space Orthopedic Health Approved 

At Paris Orthopedics, we have seen how the common workplace can contribute to back pain, neck pain, and posture problems; you name it. However, when you are working from home, you have the freedom to choose your workstation. Use these steps to create a WFH space that your orthopedic doctor would approve of!  

Focus On The Desk

The desk is one of the most useful parts of constructing a WFH space that keeps your body stable. Sometimes people working from home are not using a standard “desk” as their space. Whether you are working at your kitchen table, on the couch, or even in your bed, there are ways to work towards finding a fit that also keeps your spine in a good position. 

While deciding the best option, consider the idea that your feet, thighs, and knees should fit comfortably under the workspace. For your upper half, the height of your workspace should leave your computer at elbow height. You may be in a position where the desk you are working at is adjustable to meet these needs; however, if it is not, you can use different methods around the home to make it the correct height for your body. 

Consider The Ideal Computer Setup

Once you have decided on the correct desk, you can figure out the best computer setup. Most people these days are operating off of a laptop, with mobile taking the lead at 55% of the market while desktop devices take up 42% as of January 2022. However, a laptop computer is not the best choice for orthopedic health. 

Ideally, the monitor itself should be located slightly below your eye level, but your neck should not bend to see the middle of the screen. It should be arm’s length away from you, letting you see the entire screen at once instead of looking from side to side. From there, it also depends on the number of monitors you use. If you have multiple monitors, the placement depends on whether they are being used equally or if one is more necessary than the other. Even if you are using a laptop computer, the same steps should be taken to have the correct distance and height compared to yourself. 

Always Support Your Spine

Your WFH space chair is one of the leading influencers of your spine’s natural curve. Most people believe that the support of a spine means straight; however, the natural structure of the spine is actually more of an “s” shape. To meet this, you should keep your feet on the floor. Once you have established that, your bottom should be even, not tilted in either direction. Moving up, the knees should be in line with your hips. If you sit in a chair with a straight back, you can roll something up or use a pillow to place it between your back and the chair to get the “S” shape. 


While staying in the comfort of your home for the workday, make it a great space for your health. These simple changes can impact your overall quality of life. Are you looking for methods that apply to your specific case? Contact our team today to discuss which changes align with the orthopedic issues you are facing. Check out our website or give us a call for more information. 

5 New Years’ Resolutions For Your Orthopedic Health

The end of the year is always the time to decide how you will spend the new one. This year, we advise that a few of your resolutions center on orthopedic health. Whether you have struggled with your orthopedic health or simply want to avoid issues, these tips can help you move forward productively. By creating these plans now, you will be well on your way to a healthy 2023 before it even arrives. 

At Paris Orthopedics, we are here for you during your health journey. Our goal is to give you the information and resources to give you the best year for your orthopedic health. While incorporating these ideas, consider planning an appointment to see one of our doctors in the new year. 

New Years’ Resolutions For Orthopedic Health

Bring More Vitamin D Into Your Diet 

Vitamin D can play an influential role in your orthopedic health. You can start anticipating results by making the new year a time for more of it. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. Both are critical components of building bones, one of the most critical aspects of your orthopedic health. 

The best sources of Vitamin D are 

  • Cod liver oil 
  • Salmon 
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna fish
  • Sardines
  • Beef liver
  • Egg yolk
  • Orange juice fortified with Vitamin D

Pay Attention To New Aches and Pains

While we hope the new year is mostly full of strength and growth. You may notice aches and pains that had not been there before. The beginning of the year is a great time to get an appointment on the books with your orthopedic doctor. There is no reason to continue feeling the pain if you can confront the problem at the start. 

Try Out New Exercise Methods

Everyone tries to bring in new physical activity at the start of the year, but make it one that you want to stick around! You may have a routine that you already enjoy. That is a fine reason to stick with what works. However, it is the perfect time to try something new if you have been struggling to enjoy your workout. You can discuss what new methods are the best fit for your current orthopedic issues. 

Drink More Water

The whole year is an opportunity to drink more water, but this is a great idea to get started in the new year. This could mean finding a water bottle that makes you want to drink more water or even making it a challenge for yourself. Drinking more water benefits more than just your orthopedic health; however, it does play a very important role. Water helps to keep your joints hydrated. When your body faces dehydration, it pulls water from the cartilage, causing problems for your joints overall. 

Get More Sleep

We could all benefit from more sleep in our lives. Many orthopedic adjustments can help your body feel better as you sleep. Sometimes, how you sleep causes orthopedic pain heightened at night due to the body’s positioning. On top of changing your sleeping position, changes such as staying off of technology devices and creating a comfortable sleep environment can all contribute to a night of better sleep.  

These New Year’s resolutions are great because they are obtainable! Your orthopedic health is here for the taking, and it does not have to mean crazy changes to your routine. We are here to help you along the way. Are you interested in bringing these resolutions into your life? Our Paris Orthopedics team can formulate goals centered around your health journey. Check out our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000 for more information.

The Basics of Hip Flexor Strains/Tears

Have you been feeling a pain in your hip that just simply will not go away? When the hip flexor is strained, that means these muscles are either stretched or torn (strains/tears). The result is a pain in many activities throughout the day, making it almost impossible to live comfortably. You may not even realize this is what you are suffering from before it is to the point of being unbearable. 

Once you start to think you may have a hip flexor strain, it is time to take a trip to the orthopedic doctor. At Paris Orthopedics, we have encountered many patients with issues presenting in the hip flexor. With this being the case, we know the basics that can help others find a solution to the problem in their own life.  

Learning More About Hip Flexor Strains/Tears 

Types Of Hip Flexor Strains/Tears 

There are three common types of hip flexor tears to consider. They are often considered different grades. By understanding each of these, you can start considering what may be happening in your situation. 

Grade 1: There are minor tears that cause only a few damaged muscle fibers 

Grade 2: Moderate amount of damaged muscle fibers that can cause a loss of function

Grade 3: Muscle fibers tear entirely and may result in the inability to walk without a limp

Once it is determined by your doctor that there is a muscle tear, they can make the call on the grade. The grade of the tear can help to determine your treatment plan. 

What Causes These Strains/Tears? 

Many activities and movements can result in a hip flexor strain. This is often dependent on the lifestyle choices an individual is participating in throughout the day. Commonly, this stems from overuse of the muscle in an activity that the person is often doing. While there are many activities that can cause it, people who participate in sports such as dancing, cycling, soccer, and running.  

What Are The Signs and Symptoms? 

You may think of the apparent signs and symptoms of hip flexor strains/tears, but there are many others to consider. The most common symptom associated with this is sudden hip pain. This can start by ranging from mild to intense feelings in the hip. 

From here, you may also begin to experience pain when lifting the leg to the chest or trying to stretch the hip muscles. There may also be bruising, swelling, and tenderness. When you start to feel these symptoms for more than 10 days, that is the time to start talking to your doctor about the possibility of a hip flexor muscle strain/tear. 

How Can This Be Treated? 

Your orthopedic doctor can help you decide the best treatment plan for your hip flexor strains/tears. Often, the tears can be treated with home remedies. These may include the following: 

  • Compression Wraps
  • Rest 
  • Ice Pack
  • Heat Pack 
  • Pain Medication 

However, some cases are not resolved by these methods and may require physical therapy. That would include the intention of strengthening the hip flexor muscles over time. In severe cases, your orthopedic doctor may determine that surgery is necessary. 

Don’t live your life in a world of pain with a hip flexor strain. Once you start to notice these signs and symptoms in your life, take the time to find the solution that fits your lifestyle. Sometimes your body needs some rest to get back to 100%. At Paris Orthopedics, we are here to help you find ways to alleviate pain without letting the condition take over your life. Are you interested in coming in for a consultation about hip flexor strains/tears. Find out more on our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000 for more information. 

3 Of The Most Common Orthopedic Conditions In Women

Are you constantly feeling aches and pains in your body, even when the activity is not considered strenuous? Most people face orthopedic issues during their life. However, there are common orthopedic conditions in women that seem to occur more often than in men. By identifying and understanding these conditions, you can aim to prevent them in your own life or treat them if you think they are something you are suffering from. 

At Paris Orthopedics, we have encountered problems in various people and have gotten to further understand where patterns exist. One of those being the common orthopedic conditions in women. Today, we give you the insight to take more control of your orthopedic journey. Any questions you may have along the way can be answered by our talented team. 

Learning About The Most Common Orthopedic Conditions In Women 

Osteoporosis and Injuries To The Bone

Women often face problems concerning bone and bone density. As these problems progress, they can cause further issues for a woman overall. Osteoporosis is a progressive disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle. This happens when the creation of new bone does not keep up with the loss of old bone. This is most common in women who have experienced menopause. 

Once this condition progresses, there is concern about breaking or fracturing bones easier than ever before. An orthopedic doctor can help you find ways to increase bone density through lifestyle changes in terms of diet and exercise. 

ACL Tears In The Knee and Ankle

An ACL tear occurs when the anterior cruciate ligament, located in the knee and connecting to the top of the lower leg bone to the bottom of the thighbone, tears. This commonly happens during sports that involve cutting or pivoting, such as football, soccer, or basketball. Overall, female athletes are more likely to experience ACL tears than their male counterparts. 

While one cause has not been identified, it is often associated with differences in bone anatomy, differences in pelvic and lower leg alignment, and even muscle strength. Women also tend to have wider hips than men and narrower space in the knee for the ACL to move. As these things cannot be controlled, it is more important to recognize them and act accordingly rather than as if a tear would not happen. 

Sprained Ankles 

Women are almost twice as likely to experience a sprained ankle as men. This is often thought to be associated with the stabilizing strategies that a woman uses versus a man. There are many reasons why this is seen, sometimes even equated to the amount women wear high heels compared to men. There is often less muscle mass to protect these areas of tendons and ligaments. 

Sprained ankles can vary in intensity, but it is often something that can be treated easily by an orthopedic doctor. It may mean varying your activities or being more careful during the activity that seems to cause these problems. There are many ways a doctor may choose to treat it, and it comes down to understanding your specific case. 

Women must note orthopedic conditions to see which body parts they can strengthen to avoid the problems. If there are certain areas in which you have already felt weakness that is also associated with the problems stated above, it may be time to find some long-term solutions. Are you a woman looking to know more about your orthopedic health? Our team at Paris Orthopedics is here to help you find those answers. Check out our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000 for more information.