Tag Archives: bone health

Eating Disorders And Osteoporosis

Eating disorders, characterized by unhealthy relationships with food and body image, not only affect an individual’s mental and physical well-being but can also lead to severe long-term health consequences. Among the various physical complications associated with eating disorders, osteoporosis emerges as a silent yet significant threat. 

Eating Disorders And Osteoporosis

Dealing with an eating disorder is no small feat. When your mind is constantly focused on body image, there is often little room left for the thought of bone health. Understanding the intricate connection between eating disorders, specifically anorexia nervosa, and osteoporosis, is crucial for both healthcare professionals and individuals seeking recovery. Paris Orthopedics is here to explain the connection between these two disorders and ways to seek care, 

1. The Impact of Nutrient Deficiency

According to the National Library of Medicine, anorexia nervosa (AN) affects 2.9 million people, many of whom experience bone loss and increased fracture risk. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa often involve severe calorie restriction, excessive exercise, and purging behaviors. These patterns can lead to nutrient deficiencies, including insufficient intake of calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients crucial for maintaining bone health. Prolonged nutrient deficiencies can compromise the body’s ability to build and maintain strong, healthy bones.

2. Hormonal Imbalances and Bone Density

Chronic malnutrition associated with eating disorders disrupts hormonal balance in the body. In particular, disruptions to hormones like estrogen and testosterone, which play a crucial role in maintaining bone density, can occur. Estrogen, in particular, is essential for promoting the absorption of calcium and other minerals vital for bone strength. Hormonal imbalances resulting from eating disorders contribute to a reduction in bone density, making individuals more susceptible to osteoporosis.

3. Menstrual Irregularities and Bone Health

Women with eating disorders often experience menstrual irregularities, including amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). This disruption in the menstrual cycle is closely linked to hormonal imbalances and has direct implications for bone health. Amenorrhea, especially when coupled with low estrogen levels, accelerates bone loss and increases the risk of osteoporosis. It is a red flag that requires immediate attention and intervention.

4. Impact On Bone Mass Acquisition During Adolescence

Adolescence is a critical period for bone mass acquisition. Eating disorders that begin during these formative years can have lasting consequences on bone health. Poor nutritional intake and hormonal imbalances during adolescence can impair the development of peak bone mass, leaving individuals more vulnerable to osteoporosis later in life.

5. The Role of Purging Behaviors

Bulimia nervosa, characterized by episodes of binge eating followed by purging, poses additional risks to bone health. Frequent vomiting associated with purging leads to the loss of stomach acid, which is essential for calcium absorption. The repeated cycles of purging can contribute to calcium depletion, among other deficiencies, further compromising bone density and increasing the likelihood of osteoporosis.

6. Recovery And Bone Health

Anorexia is associated with a threefold increase in the lifetime risk of a bone break. Up to 57% of women with anorexia break at least one bone during life. Fortunately, with proper treatment and recovery from eating disorders, individuals can take steps to mitigate the impact on bone health. Nutritionists and healthcare professionals play an important role in developing well-balanced meal plans that address nutrient deficiencies. 

The prevalence of osteoporosis in relation to eating disorders is important to understand, even if bone health is not at the top of mind. By addressing both the mental and physical aspects of conditions such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, it is possible to promote recovery and minimize the risk of osteoporosis. At Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, we understand how important bone health is and are here to answer any questions you may have. Check out our website or contact us at (903) 737-0000.

Orthopedics and Genetics: What Is The Connection?

Orthopedics and genetics might seem like distant medical fields at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that they have a fascinating and intricate connection. Orthopedics deals with diagnosing, treating, and preventing disorders and injuries related to the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. On the other hand, genetics focuses on studying genes and their impact on health, traits, and diseases. 

The intersection of these two disciplines provides insights into understanding the genetic basis of various orthopedic conditions, paving the way for more personalized and effective treatments. At Paris Orthopedics, we stay up-to-date with the cutting-edge science behind orthopedic health. 

Advancements In Genetic Research 

In recent years, significant advancements in genetic research have shed light on the role of genetics in orthopedic conditions. Many orthopedic disorders have been found to have a genetic component, meaning that variations in specific genes can predispose individuals to some musculoskeletal issues. 

One of the most well-known examples is osteogenesis imperfecta, brittle bone disease. This genetic disorder is characterized by fragile bones that are prone to fractures. Mutations in genes responsible for collagen production and bone development lead to this condition, underscoring the direct link between genetics and orthopedic health.

Understand Higher Risk 

Understanding the genetic underpinnings of orthopedic conditions can help identify individuals at higher risk for specific disorders. Genetic screening and testing can enable early detection of these predispositions, allowing for proactive interventions to prevent or manage the development of orthopedic problems. 

For instance, genetic testing can identify individuals more susceptible to conditions like scoliosis or osteoarthritis, enabling clinicians to implement targeted monitoring and preventive measures.

Response To Treatments 

Genetics also plays a role in how individuals respond to orthopedic treatments. Drug metabolism and efficacy can be influenced by genetic variations, affecting how patients respond to medications for pain management, inflammation, and bone healing. 

Tailoring treatments based on an individual’s genetic makeup, known as pharmacogenetics, can enhance treatment outcomes and reduce the risk of adverse effects.

New Regenerative Medicine 

In the realm of orthopedic surgery, genetics has revolutionized regenerative medicine. Using stem cells and gene therapies has opened new avenues for repairing damaged tissues, such as cartilage and tendons. 

Scientists are exploring how to modify genes to enhance tissue regeneration, potentially offering groundbreaking solutions for previously difficult-to-treat injuries.

Understanding More Complex Conditions 

Genetics has also contributed to understanding complex orthopedic conditions, such as congenital hip dysplasia and developmental disorders like Marfan syndrome. These conditions often arise due to multiple genetic factors interacting with environmental influences. 

By deciphering the genetic components of these disorders, researchers can gain insights into the mechanisms that lead to their development, leading to improved diagnostics and targeted interventions.

The Challenges of Genetics 

However, the interplay between genetics and orthopedics presents particular challenges as well. Genetic predisposition is rarely the sole factor in orthopedic conditions; lifestyle, environmental factors, and chance also contribute. Deciphering the exact role of genetics in the context of multifactorial disorders can be intricate and require extensive research.

Ethical considerations also come into play when discussing genetics and orthopedics. Genetic testing for orthopedic conditions raises questions about privacy, informed consent, and potential psychological implications. Healthcare providers must navigate these complexities while delivering patients accurate and beneficial genetic information.

Treat Your Orthopedic Needs At Paris Orthopedics 

The connection between orthopedics and genetics is a multifaceted and evolving field with immense promise for improving patient care and outcomes. As genetic research continues to advance, collaboration between orthopedic specialists and geneticists becomes increasingly crucial to unlock the full potential of this connection. Ultimately, the integration of genetics into orthopedics can revolutionize how musculoskeletal disorders are understood, diagnosed, and treated, leading to more effective, tailored, and innovative approaches to orthopedic care. Want to learn more about your orthopedic health? Contact our team today to schedule an appointment!

Treating Fractures: Casts vs. Splints vs. Surgery

Fractures, or broken bones, are common injuries that require prompt and appropriate treatment to ensure proper healing and minimize long-term complications. Depending on the severity and location of the fracture, as well as individual patient factors, treating fractures can include different treatment approaches, including casts, splints, and surgery.

Each option has its benefits and considerations, and the choice of treatment depends on factors such as the type of fracture, its location, and the patient’s overall health. When you work with a team such as ours at Paris Orthopedics, we will help you make this call so that you can heal safely and effectively. Today, you can learn more and even come up with questions you may have at future appointments. 


Casts are a traditional and widely used method of treating fractures. A cast is a rigid shell of plaster or fiberglass molded around the injured area to immobilize the broken bone and surrounding joints. Casts are effective for stabilizing simple fractures that do not require surgical intervention. They are particularly suitable for fractures in long bones, such as the arms and legs. Casts provide consistent and steady support, preventing movement that could hinder healing.

Advantages of casts include their ability to provide strong immobilization, promote alignment of fractured bone segments, and require less frequent follow-up appointments than other treatment methods. Casts are also cost-effective and non-invasive. However, they have limitations regarding accessibility for hygiene, as they cannot be removed for washing, and they may lead to skin irritation or muscle atrophy if worn for extended periods.


Splints are similar to casts but are less rigid and offer more flexibility. They are often used in cases where swelling is a concern, as they allow for some swelling without causing discomfort or restricting blood flow. Splints are commonly used as initial treatment for fractures, providing temporary stabilization until a definitive treatment plan can be established. They are advantageous for fractures that require close monitoring or might require surgical intervention at a later stage.

The flexibility of splints can be beneficial in some situations, as they allow for adjustments as swelling subsides or as further diagnostic tests are conducted. However, due to their less rigid nature, splints may not provide as much support as casts, and patients might need to be cautious about overusing the affected limb to prevent further injury.


Surgical intervention becomes necessary when treating fractures that are complex involving joints, open fractures (where the bone pierces through the skin), or fractures that fail to heal correctly with conservative methods. Surgery involves the realignment and fixation of fractured bone segments using plates, screws, pins, or rods. Internal fixation stabilizes the bone fragments, enabling early mobility and reducing the risk of complications like nonunion or malunion.

Advantages of treating fractures with surgery include precise alignment of fractured fragments, immediate stability, and the potential for faster healing and recovery. Surgical intervention is often chosen for fractures that could lead to long-term functional impairment or deformities without proper realignment. However, surgery carries inherent risks like infection, bleeding, and anesthesia-related complications. Recovery from surgery might also involve rehabilitation and physiotherapy to restore full function and strength.

Learn More With Paris Orthopedics 

The choice between casts, splints, and surgery for treating fractures depends on a range of factors, including the type, location, and severity of the fracture, as well as the patient’s overall health and preferences. 

Ultimately, the decision on the appropriate treatment approach should be made in consultation with a medical professional who can evaluate the specific circumstances of the fracture and the patient’s needs. Our team at Paris Orthopedics can help you make that call. Contact us today to get started!

8 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries

Looking for new ways to get outside this year? Running can feel hard on the body, but for many, the physical and mental health benefits far outweigh the potential risks. From shin splints and stress fractures to hamstring issues and Achilles tendonitis, there are numerous ways to encounter a problem, either during or after your run. However, our Paris Orthopedics team has devised a list of eight ways to prevent running injuries, keeping you active and exploring. 

Invest In The Right Shoes

Don’t let sticker shock deter you from investing in proper footwear. It’s best to visit a specialty running store to help you achieve the best fit for your body and needs. You should have a little wiggle room around the toes while your foot fits snugly in the heel. It’s also equally important to maintain your running shoes. Avid runners should replace their shoes every six months or every 400-600 miles.

Find The Right Path

High-quality, properly fitting running shoes will only get you so far. If possible, avoid running on concrete. Instead, opt for surfaces that absorb the shock rather than passing it along to your legs. Even asphalt is a better alternative if you can’t find grass, dirt trails, or a rubberized running track. But remember that a sudden change in the running surface can also cause injury, so transition over time versus all at once.

Spend Time Stretching

This may be obvious, but hands down, one of the best ways to prevent any bodily injury is to keep it loose and limber. The more flexible you are, the better your range of motion and the less likely you are to get injured. Stretch both before and after your run. You may also consider taking up yoga on days you don’t run to improve your flexibility and balance further.

Consider Strength Training 

Maybe you’re a runner because you don’t like traditional gym workouts, but the more powerful your muscles are, the better they can support your joints. Added benefits of strength training include improved muscle tone, endurance, and bone density. If the gym isn’t your thing, you can lift weights at home or use everyday household objects to help you build muscle.

Be Patient

If your goal is to run a 10K, but the furthest you’ve run is around the block, don’t expect to run six miles out of the gate. There’s no harm in taking it slow, especially when you’re starting. Starting with shorter runs and gradually increasing your distance over several weeks is the best way to prevent running injuries.

Check Your Posture

When you’re running, it’s easy to think about your legs and feet. But it’s also essential to pay close attention to your upper body. Get in the habit of checking your posture daily throughout your run. Are you staying upright with your shoulders back and relaxed? If not, raise your shoulders to your ears, then drop them down to a relaxed position. This can help you avoid lower back, neck, and shoulder pain and improve your breathing.

Keep Your Head Up

Maintaining your form is critical to preventing running injuries, including head positioning. Too far forward and you’ll experience neck and back pain; too far back and you may strain your neck muscles. Keep your head in line with your shoulders and hips. This is one of those running injuries that people tend to forget about in the process. 

Take Time To Rest

If you aren’t feeling 100%, consider skipping your run. Sure there are some days when you’ll have to talk yourself into getting out of bed for your morning run when the temperatures cool down, or maybe you stayed out too late the night before. But we’re talking about listening to your body when telling you it needs a break. Taking time off each week can help you avoid the most common running injuries and prevent fatigue when you push your body too hard or too fast.


Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential, but with it also comes the risk of suffering from a condition resulting from injury, disease, or the normal process of aging, disuse, or overuse.

Despite all of your best efforts to avoid them, the bottom line is that injuries can still happen–especially with the overuse and repetitive motion that occurs with frequent running. 

Schedule an appointment with Paris Orthopedics today if you are experiencing chronic pain or have injured yourself while running. Our team of experts specializes in diagnosing and treating running injuries and conditions, including knee ligament and tendon tears, ACL injuries, tendonitis, meniscus injuries, and more.

5 New Years’ Resolutions For Your Orthopedic Health

The end of the year is always the time to decide how you will spend the new one. This year, we advise that a few of your resolutions center on orthopedic health. Whether you have struggled with your orthopedic health or simply want to avoid issues, these tips can help you move forward productively. By creating these plans now, you will be well on your way to a healthy 2023 before it even arrives. 

At Paris Orthopedics, we are here for you during your health journey. Our goal is to give you the information and resources to give you the best year for your orthopedic health. While incorporating these ideas, consider planning an appointment to see one of our doctors in the new year. 

New Years’ Resolutions For Orthopedic Health

Bring More Vitamin D Into Your Diet 

Vitamin D can play an influential role in your orthopedic health. You can start anticipating results by making the new year a time for more of it. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. Both are critical components of building bones, one of the most critical aspects of your orthopedic health. 

The best sources of Vitamin D are 

  • Cod liver oil 
  • Salmon 
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna fish
  • Sardines
  • Beef liver
  • Egg yolk
  • Orange juice fortified with Vitamin D

Pay Attention To New Aches and Pains

While we hope the new year is mostly full of strength and growth. You may notice aches and pains that had not been there before. The beginning of the year is a great time to get an appointment on the books with your orthopedic doctor. There is no reason to continue feeling the pain if you can confront the problem at the start. 

Try Out New Exercise Methods

Everyone tries to bring in new physical activity at the start of the year, but make it one that you want to stick around! You may have a routine that you already enjoy. That is a fine reason to stick with what works. However, it is the perfect time to try something new if you have been struggling to enjoy your workout. You can discuss what new methods are the best fit for your current orthopedic issues. 

Drink More Water

The whole year is an opportunity to drink more water, but this is a great idea to get started in the new year. This could mean finding a water bottle that makes you want to drink more water or even making it a challenge for yourself. Drinking more water benefits more than just your orthopedic health; however, it does play a very important role. Water helps to keep your joints hydrated. When your body faces dehydration, it pulls water from the cartilage, causing problems for your joints overall. 

Get More Sleep

We could all benefit from more sleep in our lives. Many orthopedic adjustments can help your body feel better as you sleep. Sometimes, how you sleep causes orthopedic pain heightened at night due to the body’s positioning. On top of changing your sleeping position, changes such as staying off of technology devices and creating a comfortable sleep environment can all contribute to a night of better sleep.  

These New Year’s resolutions are great because they are obtainable! Your orthopedic health is here for the taking, and it does not have to mean crazy changes to your routine. We are here to help you along the way. Are you interested in bringing these resolutions into your life? Our Paris Orthopedics team can formulate goals centered around your health journey. Check out our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000 for more information.

6 Best Everyday Practices For Orthopedic Health

Wellness is something that should be a part of anyone’s everyday life. Oftentimes, people do not consider their orthopedic health in this category. However, simple everyday practices can elevate your orthopedic health while contributing positively to other areas of the body. You can see real results in how your body feels with just a few switches. 

Everyday Practices For Orthopedic Health

At Paris Orthopedics, we want to contribute to your success throughout your life, not only when you face an orthopedic issue. With these practices, you can prevent injury and feel more able to do the activities and exercise you want. 

Implement A Healthy Diet 

Diet can impact your health in so many ways. By eating foods that are good for your bones, muscles, and joints, you can alter the way your body feels while also strengthening your orthopedic areas as well. Everyone’s ideal diet may not be the same. That is why it is also important to find out what works best for you. Leafy greens, Omega-3, dairy, fruits, and nuts are just a few examples of great products to incorporate into your diet. 

Maintain A Healthy Weight 

Your weight can play a large role in the changes that your body experiences. At a healthy weight for your body, it is distributed in an effective way that can get you moving without putting too much pressure on your joints and in turn, weakening your muscles as well. This is something to talk to your doctor about to see what the ideal place for you to be is. 

Bring Movement Into Your Day

Get up and get moving! Adding any movement to your day can improve your orthopedic health. Something as simple as a daily walk or getting moving during a work day can help. Your body does not do well under a low movement life. It needs a change to utilize the various muscles and energy to keep performing to the best of your ability. 

Consider Low Impact Exercises 

If you have been struggling to find exercise routines that don’t hurt your body, it may be time to try low-impact options. You may think that low-impact exercises are not as effective for the fitness results you want, but this is not the case. They are softer on joints while also providing great workouts. One of the most popular options is swimming. However, walks, rowing, biking, and skating are all great options that won’t put wear and tear on your body. 

Focus On Your Core Strength

Your core strength is so important to the rest of your body’s health. The strength of your core can contribute to better balance and support a healthy spine. When your posture and balance are doing well, you can feel the results throughout the way you move. 

There are so many types of exercise to strengthen your core. The Mayo Clinic provides an entire list so that you can find the ones that appeal best to your lifestyle. Often, they are easy options to incorporate into your current work.

Talk To An Orthopedic Doctor 

Sometimes, something you haven’t considered a big issue may be one. Don’t sacrifice your health further by not taking the time to talk to someone about your concerns. 

It is never too late to bring new everyday practices into your life to enhance orthopedic health. While some of these may not be for you, even just a few adjustments can make a big change. Are you looking for even more ideas to bring into your lifestyle? Paris Orthopedics is here to help. Check out our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000 for more information. 

The 3 Positive Effects Of Exercise On Bone Health

Exercise provides many benefits for different parts of a person’s life. One aspect that is not considered as often is the effect exercise has on bone health. Your bones are facing the reality that everyone must, aging. As you age, your bones become weaker. The positive effects of exercise on bone health can help reduce this problem later on.  

Effects Of Exercise On Bone Health 

 At Paris Orthopedics, we are here to help you continue to stay strong and healthy, no matter your age. There are many exercises we can go through with you to ensure you are on the right track. Extend the strength of your bones now for better effects later. Here, we provide three benefits of exercise on bone health.    

Building Denser Bone Mass 

If your bone density begins to deteriorate without steps towards resolving it, a variety of new health concerns can present themselves. According to Yale Medicine, these conditions can look like easier fractures and even osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is defined by low bone density causing holes inside the bone to widen and the outer walls of the bone to thin. This combination leads to fragile bones. 

Strength-building exercises are a great way to also build bone density. When you contribute exercises to achieving a higher bone density, the amount of time it takes bones to deteriorate increases. Your bones may not seem like a part of the body that is essential to workout, but they are. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases discusses the best bone building exercises. These fall into the category of weight-bearing and resistance exercises. This includes ones as simple as walking and as exciting as dancing. You can find the perfect exercise that fits into your lifestyle.    

Improve Balance and Coordination 

Balance and coordination in the muscles surrounding strong bones can increase flexibility and agility in adults. If the bones are strong, these muscles can work harder to make that balance and coordination present. 

Once you are working on exercises that already contribute to your bone density, they can also play a role in enhancing your balance and coordination. Balance and coordination in your bones keeps the use of movement going. If you are practicing the aforementioned exercises, they are contributing to both of these categories of health. If the bones are given the chance to become stronger, so can the muscles surrounding them. This balance and coordination can also help in preventing falls and broken bones as people age also. 

Focuses On Maintaining Bone Strength

If your bone density and strength have not begun to decline, this still applies to you. Finding exercises that increase bone strength can help you leave behind issues you may have faced. The key to this is maintaining the exercise and health you are putting into place. They must become a habit to see the differences in your health.  

You can make the good habits before they become necessary ones. There may even be one of these exercises that you have not tried yet but begin to really enjoy. Once you are able to identify the best exercises for your situation, you are well on your way to increasing the health of your bones. 


Worrying about bone health is something we all begin to do at some point or another. Whether you are in the midst of health concerns or looking to avoid them, the effects of exercise on bone health are important to recognize. You might be able to do something about your health concerns before someone else has to. Are you looking for more insight on incorporating the best exercises for bone health? Paris Orthopedics is here to help. Our medical team is full of resources and knowledge that can ensure you are on the right track. Contact us through our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000. 

5 Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a concern among many people, especially as they age. Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone density and quality decrease. Bones become fragile and porous, increasing the risks of fractures. Bone mass is lost gradually with age, and often there are no symptoms until there is a fracture.

Bones are made of living tissue that changes and grows as we age. Peak bone mass is achieved during childhood and adolescence. After that, bone strength is maintained by a process called remodeling, in which old bone is removed by resorption, and new bone is formed. As adults age, resorption begins to happen at a higher rate than formation, which can lead to bone thinning, or osteoporosis.

While adults do not necessarily build bone mass, following certain lifestyle guidelines can help limit remodeling and resorption so that bone strength is maintained as much as possible. If you are concerned about bone loss, we’ve outlined five ways to prevent osteoporosis: 

1. Choose the Right Sources of Calcium

The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) has a guide for you to find the right amount of calcium-based on age and sex. The best way to get calcium is through food. Dairy products are the most common foods associated with calcium, and they are a good readily-available source. Dairy is also a good source of protein and other nutrients, making it a good choice. Make sure you check to see if you should be using low-fat options, as those are often recommended in many diets.

If you can’t or don’t eat dairy, then there are other sources. People who eat fish may consider canned fish that include edible bones like sardines. The bones are where the calcium comes from. Vegetarians, vegans, and people who don’t like fish can also find calcium in plant-based foods and fortified alternatives:

  • Green vegetables like broccoli, bok choy, and curly kale
  • Nuts (almonds and Brazil nuts in particular)
  • Some fruits including apricots, dried figs, and oranges
  • Calcium-set tofu
  • Fortified grains, breads, and cereal
  • Fortified beverages including fruit juices, mineral water, and soy drinks

Note that some produce has high calcium content, but are not good sources for it because they also contain “oxalates” which prevents the calcium in those foods from being absorbed. Spinach is the most common example of this. Some dried beans and seeds have “phytates,” which have the same effect. 

Aim to meet your calcium requirements through dietary choices and only supplement if you can’t meet the recommended amount with what you eat. However, if you need extra calcium and it’s not possible to eat enough calcium-rich foods to get enough, supplements are an option. 

Talk to your doctor about the best supplements to use and make sure there are no possible negative interactions with any medications you are currently taking.

2. Get Enough Vitamin D

Getting the right amount of calcium isn’t enough when trying to prevent bone loss. You need to make sure to meet vitamin D requirements in order for the calcium to be absorbed. Exposure to sunlight prompts the skin to make vitamin D3. For most children and adults being exposed to sunlight for 10 to 15 minutes each day is sufficient. Certain foods are also sources of vitamin D3, while other plant sources provide vitamin D2, which is closely related. Check this guide from IOF to see how much vitamin D you might need, and where you can get it.

Food sources of vitamin D are pretty limited, especially if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. The best sources are oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), liver, and eggs. In some places, you can also find dairy products and grains fortified with it as well. When it comes to vitamin D supplements, also read labels and consult your doctor about which varieties they recommend (if they don’t prescribe them to you).

3. Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making good choices for your overall health will usually also benefit your bone health. Along with making sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D, you need to pay attention to general nutrition and have a balanced diet. Get enough protein and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Other vitamins and minerals you need to get enough of include zinc, vitamin A, vitamin K, magnesium, homocysteine, and B vitamins.

There are also certain things you should avoid to prevent osteoporosis. Caffeine can interfere with calcium absorption and have a “leaching” effect. Some people have linked carbonated beverages to calcium leaching as well, but there is no proof of this. However, limiting soda is a good idea anyway, as other beverages are healthier (like milk for bone health). Alcohol should also be limited or avoided.

Smoking has also been found to be detrimental to bone health, as well as the health of many other organs and systems. To reduce the risk of bone loss, stop smoking and avoid being exposed to secondhand smoke.

4. Get Regular Exercise

You already know that exercise is good for keeping muscles strong, but did you know it is also important to bone health? Getting certain types of exercise can stimulate the cells that build bones, which will prevent bone loss and maintain strength. But you need to make sure you get the right kind of exercise.

Weight-bearing and resistance exercises can help children build bone density and adults maintain it. Weight-bearing exercises focus on carrying your own body weight against gravity. Examples of weight-bearing exercises include walking, running, dancing, hiking, tennis, and aerobics.

Resistance, or muscle-building, exercises use objects to create an opposing force for your body to work against. Weights and resistance bands are probably the most commonly used tools in resistance training. Water is also a good resisting force, so doing exercises in the pool an option, with the added benefit of being low-impact.

5. Watch Out for Under-Nutrition

While maintaining a healthy weight is important, some people take dieting and food restriction too far in an effort to be thin and suffer from under-nutrition. Young girls and women are at a higher risk for this. Many weight-loss diets result in deficiencies of certain nutrients, including those important to bone health (vitamin D, calcium, and protein).

If you are struggling with disordered eating or undernutrition, seek help from medical professionals and counselors. The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) has resources to get you started.

Make an Appointment

Paris Orthopedic and Sports Medicine provides patients in Northeast Texas and Southeast Oklahoma with comprehensive orthopedic services, including managing bone health. If you have concerns about bone loss and ways to prevent osteoporosis, call us at (903) 737-0000 to make an appointment. You can also request an appointment online