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5 Myths About Orthopedic Medicine

Orthopedic medicine takes on the treatment and care of the body’s entire musculoskeletal system, involving the skeleton and muscles. While covering this much of the body, there are often myths and assumptions that come with it. Myths about orthopedic medicine often cause unnecessary confusion in patients. Confronting the myths head-on can give people peace of mind.   

Debunking Myths About Orthopedic Medicine 

When myths about orthopedic medicine become common, it can be challenging to distinguish what to listen to. At Paris Orthopedics, we are here to give you the accurate information to debunk these myths. You can take control of your health and feel confident in the knowledge you possess. 

Myth 1: Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis. 

We’ve all heard the story that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis over time. While it seems to keep people from doing it rarely, the act is not a cause of the condition. Harvard Health discusses that several studies have compared the rates of hand arthritis among frequent knuckle-crackers and those who do not crack their knuckles.  

While arthritis is not one of them, there are reasons to let go of the habit. Habitual knuckle cracking can lead to a decrease in grip strength over time. It can also cause injuries if people try to crack them incorrectly. 

Myth 2: Orthopedic Medicine Is Just For Athletes.  

There are a lot of orthopedic requirements that go into the lives of athletes; however, they are not our only patients. Anyone can require treatment and care in the realm of orthopedic medicine. 

As it contains the entire skeleton and muscular system, the day-to-day can lead to issues that require an orthopedic surgeon. This could be as simple as a misstep on a walk or a pulled muscle while picking up a heavy object. 

Myth 3: If You Can Move Your Joint Or Bone, It Is Fine. 

Just because you can move your bone or joint does not mean you did not injure it. According to Jefferson Health, there are times when the fracture is minor, so the movement remains. They use the example of a baseball player jamming their finger. The finger is often broken, but it can still move because the part that has been broken is not large enough to cause enough pain that it becomes impossible to move. 

Myth 4: Using Your Computer Causes Carpal Tunnel. 

Even the media often displays content that would lead you to believe that your computer causes carpal tunnel syndrome. People often question the effects that computers can have on the joints in their hands. Instead of carpal tunnel syndrome, there are often cases of tendonitis, also known as inflammation of the tendons, caused by computer use. 

Myth 5: Young People Won’t Need Total Joint Replacement. 

Total joint replacement is not dependent on age. It is all about recognizing the body’s needs. When the severity of the pain and level of disability reaches a certain point, a total replacement could be the best answer to get a young person back to their previous level of movement. Even at a young age, waiting too long could cause further problems for the procedure and the recovery. 

It is important to find the reality behind myths about orthopedic medicine. Once you understand what is factual, it can help you determine the correct steps to take and if something is wrong in your own body. Orthopedic surgeons are one of the best resources to ensure you are getting accurate information. Do you have questions about one of these myths or others you have heard before? Paris Orthopedics is here to confront those concerns and give you the answers you are looking for. Check out our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000. 

8 Types Of Arthritis And What Differentiates Them

Arthritis is one of the most common orthopedic conditions in patients. However, what most people do not realize is how many different types of arthritis there are. To diagnose and treat your arthritis, it is important to understand the various types and be able to distinguish between them. This can make it easier to find a solution. 

Different Types Of Arthritis 

Once you are able to identify the different types of arthritis, you will be able to find the correct treatment. Then, this is a useful distinction to be able to discuss with the orthopedic doctor treating your condition. At Paris Orthopedics, we are dedicated to helping relieve your pain and discomfort by identifying the true cause with accuracy. 


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. The Mayo Clinic details this condition as when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down over time. It often affects the joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine. Moreover, the symptoms of this particular type can be managed, but the joint damage cannot be repaired. These symptoms are pain, stiffness, tenderness, loss of flexibility, grating sensation, bone spurs, and swelling. 


Gout is a more complex form of arthritis. This is detailed as sudden attacks of pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in one or multiple joints, often found in the big toe. For example, the feeling is often found as a sense that one’s big toe is on fire. Here, the symptoms are intense joint pain, lingering discomfort, inflammation and redness, and limited range of motion. 

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

As is sensed in the title, juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the type often found in children under the age of 16. This is detailed as persistent joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. The symptoms are known to last for months or even years. Here, the symptoms are pain, swelling, stiffness, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and rash. This type of arthritis can present itself in many different joints and is determined by identifying the symptoms that the child is exhibiting. Often, forms of this arthritis are seen in girls. 

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis commonly found in those who are also diagnosed with psoriasis. The National Psoriasis Foundation defines psoriasis as an immune-mediated disease that causes inflammation in the body. Here, the main symptoms one may encounter are joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. This must also be paired with the condition of psoriasis to diagnose this type of arthritis. There is no cure for this particular type of arthritis. 

Reactive Arthritis

Reactive arthritis is another type of arthritis to consider. This is caused by an infection in another part of the body. It is often in the intestines, genitals, or urinary tract. This is not a common type of arthritis. After the infection, this arthritis presents itself 1 to 4 weeks later. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease. It does not always just impact your joints. It can spread to other body systems from the skin to even the blood vessels. Your immune system is mistakenly attacking itself. Here, the symptoms are tender warm, swollen joints, joint stiffness, fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. 

Septic Arthritis

Septic arthritis is another type that is less common but important to understand. For example, this is a painful infection in a joint caused by germs traveling through the bloodstream in another section of the body. Symptoms of this particular type are extreme discomfort and difficulty using the affected joint.

Finally, once one is able to identify the different types of arthritis, it is easier to diagnose the condition. While an orthopedic doctor would be able to identify it as well, it can make the process easier if the patient has some idea of it before even making an appointment. Are you suffering from one of the types of arthritis? Paris Orthopedics is here to provide diagnosis and treatment for your condition. Check out our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000.

The 3 Positive Effects Of Exercise On Bone Health

Exercise provides many benefits for different parts of a person’s life. One aspect that is not considered as often is the effect exercise has on bone health. Your bones are facing the reality that everyone must, aging. As you age, your bones become weaker. The positive effects of exercise on bone health can help reduce this problem later on.  

Effects Of Exercise On Bone Health 

 At Paris Orthopedics, we are here to help you continue to stay strong and healthy, no matter your age. There are many exercises we can go through with you to ensure you are on the right track. Extend the strength of your bones now for better effects later. Here, we provide three benefits of exercise on bone health.    

Building Denser Bone Mass 

If your bone density begins to deteriorate without steps towards resolving it, a variety of new health concerns can present themselves. According to Yale Medicine, these conditions can look like easier fractures and even osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is defined by low bone density causing holes inside the bone to widen and the outer walls of the bone to thin. This combination leads to fragile bones. 

Strength-building exercises are a great way to also build bone density. When you contribute exercises to achieving a higher bone density, the amount of time it takes bones to deteriorate increases. Your bones may not seem like a part of the body that is essential to workout, but they are. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases discusses the best bone building exercises. These fall into the category of weight-bearing and resistance exercises. This includes ones as simple as walking and as exciting as dancing. You can find the perfect exercise that fits into your lifestyle.    

Improve Balance and Coordination 

Balance and coordination in the muscles surrounding strong bones can increase flexibility and agility in adults. If the bones are strong, these muscles can work harder to make that balance and coordination present. 

Once you are working on exercises that already contribute to your bone density, they can also play a role in enhancing your balance and coordination. Balance and coordination in your bones keeps the use of movement going. If you are practicing the aforementioned exercises, they are contributing to both of these categories of health. If the bones are given the chance to become stronger, so can the muscles surrounding them. This balance and coordination can also help in preventing falls and broken bones as people age also. 

Focuses On Maintaining Bone Strength

If your bone density and strength have not begun to decline, this still applies to you. Finding exercises that increase bone strength can help you leave behind issues you may have faced. The key to this is maintaining the exercise and health you are putting into place. They must become a habit to see the differences in your health.  

You can make the good habits before they become necessary ones. There may even be one of these exercises that you have not tried yet but begin to really enjoy. Once you are able to identify the best exercises for your situation, you are well on your way to increasing the health of your bones. 


Worrying about bone health is something we all begin to do at some point or another. Whether you are in the midst of health concerns or looking to avoid them, the effects of exercise on bone health are important to recognize. You might be able to do something about your health concerns before someone else has to. Are you looking for more insight on incorporating the best exercises for bone health? Paris Orthopedics is here to help. Our medical team is full of resources and knowledge that can ensure you are on the right track. Contact us through our website or give us a call at (903) 737-0000. 

How Sports Nutrition Can Prevent Injuries

For athletes, injuries are always a concern. There are many ways to prevent this, but it can seem overwhelming to keep yourself healthy. Focusing on sports nutrition can be an effective way to make it less likely that an injury occurs. 

Learning More About Sports Nutrition 

Looking at sports nutrition analytically gives athletes the chance to see the direct correlation between the food they consume and their injury prevention. Focusing on linking strength, endurance, recovery, hydration to an athlete’s sports nutrition can be an excellent way to proactively prevent injury. 


When focusing on sports nutrition, it is important to see how various foods fit into the aspects of an athletes’ routine. Strength is a key component to preventing injury. To match strength, athletes must take in foods that support this growth. 

Protein is one of the main sources of fuel for an athlete. It acts as a way for your body to build new tissue and fluids. There are many ways to get protein into your diet. 

  • Poultry
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Nuts 
  • Beans 
  • Various dairy products 

Once an athlete is able to grow their strength, their bodies will be able to support the activities and protect the muscle. The protein intake allows athletes to build this muscle. Incorporating protein into their sports nutrition is a proactive way to protect your body through strength. 


Endurance is important to an athlete’s ability to maintain their efforts throughout their performance. When athletes pay attention to the food that enters their body, they can work to incorporate ones that help maintain their stamina. 

Carbohydrates can contribute to this extended endurance. OrthoInfo explains the importance of carbohydrates in how the body converts sugars and starches into energy. This provides endurance and power for the high-intensity activities athletes perform. 

Carbohydrates can be found in many foods that athletes have access to. 

  • Fruits 
  • Vegetables
  • Pasta 
  • Bread
  • Cereal 
  • Rice 

By consuming carbohydrates, an athlete is able to enhance their endurance to prevent injury during physical activity. Preventative measures can mean equipping the body for its best performance to avoid fatigue that leads to an athlete injuring themselves. 


While it is not a direct action of an athlete, recovery and what is consumed during that time prepares the athlete for their next activity. It is just as important for what happens at rest as what happens in motion. 

The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Institute discusses the way post-workout recovery meals are the time when your body is repairing your muscles and building new ones. During this time, your eating should be focused on the following aspects: carbohydrates and protein. Just as they are important to strength and endurance, those two fuel sources can aid the recovery process as well. An important factor of recovery meals is paying attention to the energy exerted during a performance to ensure the foods the athlete consumes matches that to replenish. 


Hydration is one of the most important aspects of sports nutrition. Loss of water through physical activity creates muscle tension. While that is not a direct injury, it can cause your body to be prone to muscle strains, tears, and even bone fractures. Dehydration can also lead to heat exhaustion. With dizziness, fatigue, and headaches, an athlete may experience an injury as a result. 

The possible results of dehydration make water and other hydrating products essential for athletes in their sports nutrition.  While there are many sources of hydration, water is always considered the best option. Athletes can lose up to three quarts of water per hour. Everyone should consume at least two quarts of water per day, and athletes need even more than that. 

How to Stay Hydrated: 

  • Drink water in small amounts frequently during the times in between physical activity, not just when it is going on. 
  • Pay attention to how your body feels throughout the physical activity. 
  • Rehydrate after physical activity. 


The life of an athlete means constantly working towards injury prevention. Sports nutrition is an essential part of this process. Are you looking to prevent injury with sports nutrition? At Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, we are here to answer any questions you may have. Check out our website or contact us at (903) 737-0000. 

Your Guide to Crutches and Canes

Crutches and canes are a normal part of the orthopedic recovery process. No matter if you’ve recently been injured or have undergone surgery, crutches and canes can help expedite the healing process and keep you safe. Adjusting to a walking aid can be challenging at first, but by understanding the proper form and taking steps to prepare yourself, you can learn to get around with ease. To help keep you safe and comfortable during your recovery, we’ve created a guide to using crutches and canes:

Get Prepared

If you have a surgery or operation schedule, use the days leading up to your procedure to prepare your home and surroundings. Declutter and remove anything that might obstruct your path when moving about your home. This may even include moving around furniture to give yourself wider pathways. Remove any cords, area rugs, or mats that could cause you to lose your balance. You may also want to take some time to purchase items that make moving around your home safer and more accessible. Extra lighting, non-slip bathmats, and a shower chair can all come in handy during your recovery. Taking steps to prepare yourself for getting around using crutches or canes can save you a lot of time and frustration and ultimately keep you safe.


Crutches are used to help you move around without putting weight on your foot or leg. They are most commonly used following surgery or after an injury. To properly move around on crutches, it’s essential to make sure your crutches are adjusted to fit your body. When standing upright, the top of the crutches should only be one or two inches below your armpit, and the handgrips should be in line with the top of your hip. 

When walking with crutches, first put the crutches about a foot in front of you, then shift your weight in the crutches to bring your body forward, landing on your healthy foot and leg. It’s important to put your weight into your hands on the handgrips rather than putting all of your weight into your armpits, as this can cause discomfort and potential nerve damage. Always look ahead of you, not down at your feet, as you move around. 

Sitting, standing, and climbing stairs can be challenging at first, so we recommend you have someone there to assist you in the beginning. Take your time and move slowly to avoid a fall or further damage to your injured foot or leg.


Canes are used when people are undergoing minor problems with balance and stability. Canes can also be helpful for those in physical therapy, who are injured, or for those experiencing physical pain. Canes can allow you to walk more comfortably and safely and promote more independent living for older adults. To use a cane, first make sure that the cane is the right size for you. A properly sized cane should reach your wrist when you’re standing straight up. Avoid locking up your arm by keeping your elbow slightly bent when you press down on your cane. Hold your cane in the opposite hand of the leg that needs support. For example, if you have weakness or instability in your left leg, hold your cane in your right hand.

Move the cane forward about a stride in front of you as your compromised leg moves with it, then use the cane to stabilize as you finish your stride with your healthy leg. When climbing stairs, lead with your good leg, and always make sure to use a handrail if it’s available. 

Consult an Orthopedic Specialist

The team at Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine is dedicated to helping our patients recover from a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Our services include general orthopedic medicine, joint replacement, sports injury treatment, and osteoporosis treatments at our bone health clinic. If you have any questions about the recovery process or need guidance on the use of crutches and canes following a procedure, please reach out to us. If you are experiencing chronic pain of any kind, call (903) 737-0000 to make an appointment.

4 Most Dangerous Winter Sports

As we move forward into the midst of winter, more people across the country participate in potentially dangerous winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and sledding. While in Texas, we may only get a chance to partake in winter sports during a vacation to a snowier region, it’s still best to be prepared for what harsh winter conditions may bring. The month of January is a national awareness month for the dangers of winter sports, including the risk of potential traumatic brain injuries. The risks associated with winter sports can be higher for those who only participate in winter activities once or twice a year. To provide more information regarding injury prevention and other statistics, we’re listing the top for most dangerous winter sports.


Nearly 200,000 people were treated for winter sports-related injuries in 2018 in the United States alone. Out of all the most dangerous winter sports, injuries from skiing took the top spot, with an estimated total of 76,000 injuries. There are various types of ski injuries that land people in the hospital. Common injuries range from knee and joint issues to fractured extremities and even traumatic brain injuries. Many of these ski accidents can be attributed to the infrequency in which the sport is practiced. If you are only skiing once a year on vacation, it’s a good idea to prepare for the ski season with a general preseason conditioning program, in addition to double-checking the quality of your equipment and easing into the sports. Just because you may have ended last season on a double black diamond doesn’t mean that you should start your ski season where you left off. 


While skiing may have the most injuries, snowboarding is not too far behind. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there was a reported 53,000 injuries from snowboarding in 2018. Improper warm-up, falls, a lack of proper equipment and other reckless behavior on the slopes plays a significant role in what makes snowboarding one of the most dangerous winter sports. Even with practice and skill, accidents are always possible, which is why wearing a helmet is one of the top recommendations made by the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons. While it is advised that all skiers and snowboarders wear a helmet, it may be even more important for the men who practice these sports. Reports have shown that male skiers are twice as likely to end up in the emergency room as female skiers, and male snowboarders are four times more likely to visit the ER than female snowboarders.

Ice Skating 

Ice skating may not immediately seem like a high-intensity sport, but when you consider the speed associated with sports like hockey, it becomes a little more clear as to what it is regarded as one of the most dangerous winter sports. Like most winter sports, both hockey and ice skating require special equipment that, depending on the fit and quality, can either promote or detract from the safety of the activity. With the proper training and equipment, injuries are not as common as in other sports, but when you only ice skate a few times a year and don’t have access to well-fitting or functioning equipment, accidents can occur.  


Sledding may seem safe and easy fun, but the lack of control inherent in this activity can lead to collisions and injuries. Most sledding injuries occur in children aged 14 and younger, so it’s especially important to ensure that kids are supervised on the sledding hill. Because there aren’t any requirements when it comes to sledding equipment, taking time to monitor weather and snow conditions is an essential part of keeping children safe this winter.

In Case of Emergency

If accidents occur while participating in any of the listed dangerous winter sports, seek diagnosis and treatment from a sports medicine physician or an orthopedic doctor for any musculoskeletal injuries. For potential traumatic brain injuries, seek immediate treatment at the closest emergency room.

Consult an Orthopedic Specialist

The team at Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine is dedicated to helping our patients recover from a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Our services include general orthopedic medicine, joint replacement, sports injury treatment, and osteoporosis treatments at our bone health clinic. If you have questions about sports-related orthopedic injuries, call (903) 737-0000 to make an appointment.

5 Ways to Prevent Injuries This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time for family and friends to come together, give thanks, and celebrate, but unfortunately, it is also a time of year that we see an increase in injuries. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, doctors’ offices, emergency rooms, and other clinics see over 60,000 patients for injuries pertaining to simple holiday tasks, like decorating. Combine this with an additional 186,000 visits for injuries related to winter sports, and it becomes clear why it’s important to stay alert and take steps to ward off preventable accidents.

Nothing puts a damper on a holiday celebration like a sudden injury, so we’re sharing some of the best ways to prevent injuries this holiday season.

Watch Your Step

Even Texas is subject to overnight freezing temperatures during the winter months. Combining the wet winter weather with the occasional freeze can make for unexpected ice and slippery conditions. We know that a busy morning can mean rushing out the door, but we encourage you to take an extra moment to watch your step when you leave the house. Not only can falls cause new injuries, but they also can worsen old or existing injuries. Making sure you watch your step and look for ice is one of the best ways to prevent injuries this holiday season.

Wear the Proper Equipment

Whether you’re staying home for the holidays or going on a winter vacation, proper equipment is key in preventing injuries. The winter months bring unique weather conditions across the country, so it’s important to dress for these weather patterns. Make sure your footwear has traction on wet, slippery, or icy surfaces. When it comes to winter sports, having high-quality, well-fitting equipment is essential in keeping you safe. Get professionally fitted for sports like skiing and snowboarding, and always double-check that your gear is in good condition. 

Decorate Carefully

As we previously mentioned, decorating the house for the holidays is the culprit behind various injuries. Hanging decorations, stringing lights, and putting up trees may be some of your beloved traditions, but they can also be dangerous if you’re not paying attention. Prevent injuries this holiday season by ensuring your ladder is in good condition, using it properly, asking for help when needed, and saving the holiday drinks until after the decorating is complete.

Warm Up Muscles

If you are participating in any winter activities, make sure you warm up your muscles beforehand. Even if you have been skating, skiing, or snowboarding your whole life, it’s more than likely that you haven’t practiced the sport in at least a year. By starting back where you left off, you’re putting yourself in a position to injure yourself. Take time to warm up and ease back into any winter activity you haven’t practiced in a while.

Pay Attention to Previous Injuries

Colder temperatures may cause previous injuries or other muscles in the body to stiffen up, leading to increased discomfort in the winter months. While cold therapy is standard in caring for injuries, heat therapy may work better in these situations. Heating pads or warm towels can help loosen stiffness and improve circulation in areas subject to cold weather discomfort. Relieving this pain can also help prevent injuries this holiday season. When you feel loose and comfortable, you are less likely to strain other parts of your body, overcompensating for the areas of discomfort.

Consult an Orthopedic Specialist

The team at Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine is dedicated to helping our patients recover from a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Our services include general orthopedic medicine, joint replacement, sports injury treatment, and osteoporosis treatments at our bone health clinic. If you have questions about how you can prevent injuries this holiday season, call (903) 737-0000 to make an appointment.

Should I See a Rheumatologist or an Orthopedic Doctor?

There is some confusion when it comes to finding a medical specialist. Many different fields of medicine have a certain degree of overlap, making it difficult to decide which specialist to go to. At Paris Orthopedic, some of our specialties include bone and joint health, making our field of orthopedic medicine coincide with some elements of rheumatology. To help you make the best decision for your health, we’re explaining the key differences between these two disciplines of medicine to help you discern whether to see a rheumatologist or an orthopedic doctor.

What Does a Rheumatologist Do?

One of the most significant differences between a rheumatologist and an orthopedic doctor is their specialty when it comes to treating arthritis and joint pain. Rheumatologists focus on the internal medical aspects of inflammatory autoimmune disorders, including the causes, the impact on the body, and any necessary treatments. While rheumatologists are experts in all types of arthritis conditions, they also research and treat other conditions, including fibromyalgia, gout, and lupus. Because many of these autoimmune disorders attack the body’s connective tissues, musculoskeletal system, and organs, a rheumatologist can make a diagnosis and provide applicable non-surgical treatments. 

What Does an Orthopedic Doctor Do?

Orthopedists, on the other hand, specialize in the disorders, injuries, prevention, treatment, and repair associated with the skeletal system. Both orthopedic doctors and surgeons are specially trained in the diagnosis and treating bone and joint disease. Treatments administered by orthopedists include but are not limited to non-surgical options such as physical therapy and prescription medication. In certain cases, surgeries like joint replacement procedures can relieve pain and improve mobility. If surgery becomes necessary, an orthopedic specialist is the provider for the job. 

Deciding What’s Best for You

Deciding between an orthopedic doctor and a rheumatologist starts by identifying the root of the issue. The most significant overlap between these two specialties is arthritis’s role as both an inflammatory autoimmune disorder and an effect on the musculoskeletal system. While a rheumatologist may help identify what is causing your joint pain and help discern whether the cause is arthritis or a different autoimmune disorder, an orthopedic doctor can provide more treatment options. Orthopedic doctors are especially knowledgeable when it comes to joint pain following trauma or helping to treat joints that have suffered prolonged wear and tear from arthritis or other conditions. 

The Paris Orthopedics Difference

At Paris Orthopedics, we prioritize exhausting all non-surgical options before proceeding with surgical treatments. This means that there may be additional overlap between the treatments provided by a rheumatologist, such as physical therapy, bracing, cortisone injections, and anti-inflammatory drugs. If your condition doesn’t respond to these initial treatment methods, our team can discuss surgical options with you, ranging from minimally invasive procedures to open surgery. If joint replacement is ultimately the most effective option, you can rest assured that you’ll receive the best care at Paris Orthopedics. With this procedure, you can look forward to less pain, improved mobility, and restored joint function.

Consult an Orthopedic Specialist

The team at Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine is dedicated to helping our patients recover from a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Our services include general orthopedic medicine, joint replacement, sports injury treatment, and osteoporosis treatments at our bone health clinic. If you have questions about bone health, arthritis, or whether to see a rheumatologist or an orthopedic doctor for your joint pain, call (903) 737-0000 to make an appointment.

What is Causing Your Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the most commonly complained-about ailments, with around four out of every five reporting this pain at some point in their lives. The lower back, also known as the lumbar spine, is a structure of interconnecting bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, and muscles that all work together. The lower back provides support, strength, and flexibility and ultimately helps keep us upright. Still, due to the complex nature of our lumbar spine, it can be susceptible to injury and pain. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at potential causes of your lower back pain and sharing viable solutions.

Muscle and Ligament Strains

Lower back pain is often a result of muscle or ligament strain or sprains that can occur suddenly or develop slowly over time. A muscle strain happens when the muscle is stretched too far, which causes a tear. A muscle sprain occurs when over-stretching and tearing cause damage to the ligaments, which help connect the bones. Some of the most common causes of lower back sprains and strains include:

  • Lifting a heavy object or lifting with improper form, like twisting the spine while lifting
  • Sudden movements that put too much pressure on the lower back, such as an accident, or a fall
  • Repeating a specific movement over a prolonged period of time
  • Poor posture
  • Sports injuries, especially high-impact sports like football or sports that require twisting

Chronic Back Pain Conditions

The body’s natural healing process for lower back injuries can take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. When pain in the lower back persists for longer than three months, the pain can be classified as chronic and may involve more issues than just a sprain or a strain. Causes of chronic back pain may include:

  • Problems with discs: Lumbar degenerative disc disease and lumbar herniated disc are two different conditions that may lead to herniation or inflammation
  • Problems with joints: Facet joint dysfunction, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and osteoarthritis all target the joints, leading to lower back pain
  • Fractures: Trauma may cause acute fractures or dislocations that lead to pain, and osteoporosis may even lead to a compression fracture over time

Lower Back Pain Treatment Options

Early treatment options for back pain align with early treatment recommendations for other sports injuries. The first course of action typically calls for rest, ice and heat therapy, and over-the-counter pain relievers. Cold packs and pain relievers both work to reduce inflammation, while hot water bottles and heating pads improve blood flow. Depending on the cause of your lower back pain, light stretching can also be therapeutic, but it’s important to consult a doctor to determine the root cause of the issue first.

If back pain does not improve over time, then you may require additional treatments. At Paris Orthopedic Specialists, we believe in exhausting all non-surgical treatments whenever possible, so if you are experiencing lower back pain, physical therapy, back braces, and steroid injections may be able to help. While injections and prescription-strength pain relievers may temporarily reduce pain, physical therapy can help identify and treat the underlying cause of the pain. If you have been experiencing chronic back pain, contact a provider at Paris Orthopedics to learn more about suitable treatment options.  

Consult an Orthopedic Specialist

The team at Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine is dedicated to helping our patients recover from a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Our services include general orthopedic medicine, joint replacement, sports injury treatment, and osteoporosis treatments at our bone health clinic. If you are experiencing chronic pain of any kind, call (903) 737-0000 to make an appointment.


6 Ways to Protect Your Knees During Sports

If you are experiencing pain in your knees, or if you’ve already had a knee injury, taking steps to protect your knees during sports is an important habit to develop. The knees are one of the most commonly complained about joints in the body, and so many different types of sports rely on these joints to start, stop, and pivot. At Paris Orthopedic and Sports Medicine, our providers specialize in diagnosing and treating knee conditions of all severity levels, from sprains to torn ACLs. In this blog, we’re explaining some of the ways you can protect your knees during sports.

Effective Warm Ups & Cool Downs

If you’re running behind, or you’re just eager to get into the action, it can be easy to skip a warm-up and jump straight into the game. However, to preserve the health and longevity of your knees, thorough warm-ups and cool-downs are essential in protecting your knees and other muscles in the body. Prior to the game, match, or outing, take a few extra moments to warm up your body and stretch. Even a couple of minutes can help protect your knees during sports.

Take Your Time

Whether you’ve been injured and are returning to your sport, or you’re coming in from the off-season, it is important to take your time getting back into shape. As much as you may think you can lift the same amount of weight or run the same amount of mileage, it’s a better idea to start small and then work your way up. Focus on conditioning and adding weight slowly to help strengthen any muscles and avoid future injuries.

Change Up Your Routine 

Knee injuries are common in runners, but you may feel forced into running on an injury if you are training for a marathon or race. You can avoid overworking by changing up your training routine with other activities that aren’t so hard on the knees, like cycling or swimming. Both of these activities are excellent for building endurance and strengthening muscles so you can keep training without putting as much stress on your knees.

Use the Proper Equipment

Improper or faulty equipment can lead to injuries in any sport, so if you’re recovering from an injury or actively working to protect your knees during sports, your gear should be in good condition. This includes wearing proper footwear and also investing in knee braces or wraps if necessary.

Don’t Under-Estimate the RICE Protocol

RICE, an acronym for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, is the baseline for caring for injuries. While an orthopedic specialist should look at persistent pain, swelling, or tenderness, minor injuries, as well as recovering injuries, can always benefit from this tried and true protocol.

Keep Communicating with a Professional

If you are working to protect your knees during sports, working with a trainer, physical therapist, or one of the specialists at Paris Orthopedics can help you stay active while remaining healthy. Injuries should be examined on a case-by-case basis, so it’s important that you receive personalized care and instructions before returning to your sport. Contact a staff member at Paris Orthopedics today for any questions about knee injuries or recovering injuries.

Consult an Orthopedic Specialist

The Paris Orthopedics and Sports Medicine team is dedicated to helping our patients recover from a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Our services include general orthopedic medicine, joint replacement, sports injury treatment, and osteoporosis treatments at our bone health clinic. If you have questions about how you can protect your knees during sports or other activities, call (903) 737-0000 to make an appointment.